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beam bear中文是什么意思

用"beam bear"造句"beam bear"怎么读"beam bear" in a sentence


  • 打孔器小型冲孔机支持
  • "beam"中文翻译    n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动 ...
  • "bear"中文翻译    n. 1.【动物;动物学】熊。 2.【股票】空头,卖方, ...
  • "a bear" 中文翻译 :    一只熊
  • "be a bear for" 中文翻译 :    有精力
  • "bear" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.支,支持;背,负担,负载,负荷;承担(责任等)。 2.携带;运,运走〔除成语外,现多用 carry 〕;引导。 3.具有(名声等),带有(特色等);(和…)有(关系,比率,比较等);佩有,佩戴(徽章等),载明,记有(日期),标有,刻有(记号);怀有(感情),抱(怨),含(恨),挟(嫌),记(仇)。 4.举止,处身;表现〔bear oneself〕。 5.堪,忍受,忍耐;容忍;经得起,耐得住〔主要用于否定句〕;适宜于;值得。 6.生(儿女),结(果实),产生。 7.挤压,推动,驱。 8.行使,掌握(支配权等)。 9.提供(证据等)。 10.保持(某种姿势等)。 11.散布,传播(流言等)。 Bear a loss 承担损失。 Bear the weight of the roof 承受屋顶的重量。 Bear tales (gossip, news) 搬是非,扯闲话。 Bear a resemblance to it 跟它相似。 A tree that bears fruit 一棵结果子的树。 His hands bear the marks of toil. 他手上有劳动标记[老茧]。 A ship bearing the French colours 挂着法国旗的船。 The letter bears no date. 这封信没注明日期。 We bear him no grudge. 我们对他无恶意。 Bear testimony (witness) to 证明…,担保…。 Bear one's head high 高高地昂起头。 I can't bear being alone for long. 我不堪长期孤独生活。 This cloth will bear washing. 这布经[耐]洗。 An expression that does not bear translation 无法翻译出来的语句。 Bear a child 生孩子〔现在一般是说 have a child. 此义多用 bear 的过去分词: She has borne two children 她生了两个孩子了〕。 He was born of poor parentage. 他出身贫苦〔作“生育”解时用 borne, 作“出身”或“出生”解时用 born〕。 vi. 1.支,支持得住,经得起,受得住;忍耐。 2.靠;推,压迫 (on upon against). 3.位,坐落;朝向;倾向于 (to). 4.有关系[影响] (on upon). 5.结果实。 6.开动,运动。 The discussion bore against the bill. 讨论带有否决该法案的倾向。 The ice bears. 冰承受得住〔厚得能走人了〕。 We were borne backwards by the crowd. 人群把我们挤到后面去了。 Bear comparison with 可与…相匹敌。 All these bear upon him with cruching weight. 这些问题使他的负担极其沉重。 The trees bear well. 这些树结的果实多。 The island bears eastward. 那个岛位于东面。 The ship bears west. 船向西开航。 Bear to the right. 靠右边(走)。 Bear a hand 帮忙,帮助;参加 (in). Bear a part in 分担,参加;在…中有一份。 Bear and forbear 一忍再忍。 Bear a rein upon a horse 用缰绳勒住马。 Bear arms 1. 携带武器。 2. 从军,参军。 3. 武装反抗,对…作战 (against). 4. 饰有纹徽。 Bear away 1. 夺走,抢去;(赢)得(奖品等)。 2. 【航海】改变航行(驶向下风)。 Bear (away) the prize [bell] 得奖,得锦标,优胜。 Bear back 1. 驱退(人群等)。 2. 退。 Bear (sb.) company 和(某人)做伴。 Bear down 1. 压倒,压服(对方)。 2. 加紧干;全力以赴。 Bear down on [upon] 1. 冲向,(船或人)向…逼近。 2. 强调。 3. 压迫,使承受负担。 Bear hard [heavily] 勉强忍受。 Bear in mind 记住,铭记不忘;注意。 Bear in with 【航海】驶向陆地[他船]。 Bear no relation to 与…无关系。 Bear off 1. 夺得,夺走(奖赏等)。 2. 使避开(相撞)。 3. 【航海】驶离(陆地等)。 Bear on [upon] 1. 压迫,使困苦 (The famine bore heavily [hard] on the farmers. 灾荒使农民困苦不堪)。 2. 靠,倚恃,压在…上。 3. 瞄准,朝向。 4. 与…有关系,对…有影响。 Bear oneself 举止,行为〔与 well, bravely, nobly 等副词并用〕 (She bears herself gracefully. 她举止文雅。 He bears himself bravely. 他行为勇敢)。 Bear out 证明,证实 (The facts bear me out. 事实为我作了证明)。 Bear rule [sway] 统治,支配,掌权。 Bear the blame [punishment] 受责难[惩罚]。 Bear the test 经得起考验。 Bear up 1. 支持,拥护。 2. 咬紧牙关坚持。 3. 【航海】驶向下风。 Bear up for [to] 走向…;接近…方面。 Bear upon = bear on. Bear with 宽恕,容忍。 Borne away by (anger) 被(愤怒)驱使着。 Borne in upon (sb.) (某人)确信,相信 (It was borne in upon me that …, 我相信…)。 Born in the purple 生长王侯人家,出身显贵。 n. 1.【动物;动物学】熊。 2.【股票】空头,卖方,看跌的人 (opp. bull). 3.【机械工程】打孔器;小型冲(孔)机。 4.粗暴的人,鲁莽汉。 5.〔口语〕有奇才的人,天才。 a bear for physics 物理学天才。 the black bear 黑熊。 the brown bear 棕熊。 the grizzly bear 灰熊。 the polar bear 北极熊。 bear's gall 熊胆。 as cross as a bear 脾气极坏。 be a bear for 1. (工作等)有干劲。 2. 经得起,耐得住 (be a bear for punishment 经得起折磨,顽强)。 loaded for bear 作好准备;〔美俚〕准备打架。 play the bear with 〔口语〕糟蹋,搞坏。 Sell the skin before one has killed the bear. 熊未到手先卖皮,过早乐观。 take a bear by the tooth. 作不必要的冒险。 the Great B- 【天文学】大熊座 (=Ursa Mayor). the Little B- 【天文学】小熊座 (= Ursa Minor). vt. (以抛售等方法)使跌价。 bear the market by selling 以抛售压低市价。
  • "bear in on" 中文翻译 :    给……印象
  • "bear in with" 中文翻译 :    驶向
  • "bear is" 中文翻译 :    熊岛群岛
  • "bear on" 中文翻译 :    对…产生影响; 对施加影响; 对…施加影响;有关; 施加压力; 压在…上,倚靠,影响; 影响…
  • "bear to" 中文翻译 :    移向
  • "bear with" 中文翻译 :    宽容;耐心等待; 忍受,容忍
  • "bear…on…" 中文翻译 :    对……有影向
  • "of the bear" 中文翻译 :    熊的
  • "the bear" 中文翻译 :    子熊故事
  • "to bear" 中文翻译 :    载携
  • "to bear in with" 中文翻译 :    驶向
  • "to bear on" 中文翻译 :    朝向
  • "bear in on, bear in upon" 中文翻译 :    给…印象,使…认识(尤指逐渐认识)
  • "bear left, bear right" 中文翻译 :    朝左(或右)转
  • "beam" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.梁,栋梁,桁条;(船的)横梁。 2.船幅;(动物、人的)体幅。 3.(秤)杆,杠杆,(织机的)卷轴,经轴;(鹿角的)主干;车辕;犁柄;锄把。 4.(光线的)束,道,柱;【物理学】波束,射束。 5.(笑容、表情等的)焕现。 6.【无线电】有效播听范围。 7.【航空】信号电波,指向电波。 a beam of light 一束光线。 the common beam 标准秤;准则。 beam and scales 天平。 a beam of delight 高兴的表情,笑逐颜开。 an erector beam 【火箭】(发射时调整导弹位置的)千斤顶。 radio beam 无线电领航信号。 a landing beam 【航空】降落指示波。 abaft the beam = before the beam. a beam in one's eye 自己本身的大缺点〔与他人目中之刺相比,自己眼中有梁,源出《圣经》马太福音〕。 before the beam 【航海】正横前。 broad in the beam 〔口语〕臀部阔大。 fly the beam 【航空】按指向电波飞行。 fly the wet beam 【航空】顺着河流飞行。 kick [strike] the beam 1. (秤一方)翘起;过轻,不足抗衡,无足轻重。 2. 输,遭受失败。 off the beam 脱离航向,不顺利;不对头;做错。 on the beam 1. 【航海】与龙骨垂直地,正横地。 2. 在航向上;对头,做对。 on the port [larboard] beam 【航海】左舷正横前。 on the starboard beam 【航海】右舷正横前。 on the weather beam 【航海】迎着正横风。 ride the beam = fly the beam. vi. 1.辐射,发光,闪光。 2.微笑,眉开眼笑。 vt. 1.发射(光线、电波)。 2.向…放[播]送。 3.(用雷达)探测。 4.(用波束)导航(飞机等)。 beam the program at America 向美国播送节目。 the sun beaming overhead 红日当头照。 beam upon 看着…微笑。 beam with joy 眉飞色舞,笑逐颜开。
  • "beam on" 中文翻译 :    船侧靠; 微笑
  • "on the beam" 中文翻译 :    必须用泵抽油的; 航向正确; 沿着无线电波束; 正横地
  • "t beam" 中文翻译 :    t 型梁; t 形钢; t型梁; t形梁; t字梁; 丁字梁; 形材(t形钢); 字形梁
  • "t-beam" 中文翻译 :    t形梁; 丁安梁; 丁字梁; 形材(包括t形钢; 字梁形材
  • "t-beam t" 中文翻译 :    型梁


  • The beam bears the whole weight of the upper floor
  • Obtaining a high quality beam bears on many factors at the exit of a high energy electron linear accelerator ( linac ) , beam orbit effect is one of the most important factors
  • Abstract : it is a difficult problem to arrange a lot of deformed bars in a narrow section . in foreign codes , it is solved with abreast - arranging deformed bars , but there not be definite answer about influence that the abreast - arranging deformed barsto bearing capacity . in our country , the research about abreast - arranged deformed bars began from the first 1980s . some achievements have been gained from studies about anchor performance . but study about beams bearing capacity and rigidity is not enough . the experiments of 10 beams using abreast - arranged deformed bars and 3 contrast ones are done . the influence that the abreast - arranging deformed bars to bearing capacity of beams is analyzed . three points of division loading have been adopted . the results prove that the bearing capacity of beams decrease by using abreast - arranged deformed bars at a degree from 10 % to 15 % . through statistical analysis , format on bearing capacity of abreast - arranged beams is recommended and reliability of format is analyzed
    文摘:在较小截面内单根排列钢筋比较困难,国外规范大都采用并筋解决,但对并筋后对承载力的影响未作明确规定,我国并筋梁的承载力和刚度研究较少.通过对10根并筋梁和3根对照梁的受弯承载力的试验,分析并筋对梁的受弯承载力的影响,试验采用三分点加载,结果表明,与对照梁相比,并筋梁的受弯承载力有所降低,降幅在10 % 15 %之间,通过统计分析,给出了并筋梁受弯承载力的建议公式,并对建议公式进行了可靠度分析
  • In this paper we study the transverse stiffeners of the thinned - web beam bearing several concentrated longitudinal strain actions . thinking of using post - buckling strength of web plate , we study some facts about tran sverse stiffeners including strain ability , condition of breaking , calculation of strength and stabilization of the stiffener bearing regional load action
  • It is a difficult problem to arrange a lot of deformed bars in a narrow section . in foreign codes , it is solved with abreast - arranging deformed bars , but there not be definite answer about influence that the abreast - arranging deformed barsto bearing capacity . in our country , the research about abreast - arranged deformed bars began from the first 1980s . some achievements have been gained from studies about anchor performance . but study about beams bearing capacity and rigidity is not enough . the experiments of 10 beams using abreast - arranged deformed bars and 3 contrast ones are done . the influence that the abreast - arranging deformed bars to bearing capacity of beams is analyzed . three points of division loading have been adopted . the results prove that the bearing capacity of beams decrease by using abreast - arranged deformed bars at a degree from 10 % to 15 % . through statistical analysis , format on bearing capacity of abreast - arranged beams is recommended and reliability of format is analyzed
    在较小截面内单根排列钢筋比较困难,国外规范大都采用并筋解决,但对并筋后对承载力的影响未作明确规定,我国并筋梁的承载力和刚度研究较少.通过对10根并筋梁和3根对照梁的受弯承载力的试验,分析并筋对梁的受弯承载力的影响,试验采用三分点加载,结果表明,与对照梁相比,并筋梁的受弯承载力有所降低,降幅在10 % 15 %之间,通过统计分析,给出了并筋梁受弯承载力的建议公式,并对建议公式进行了可靠度分析
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